Grades 1 - 12 Registration Packet


    Welcome to the Nashua School District!

    The District welcomes new students!

    If your child is currently enrolled in the Nashua School District, Kindergarten through Grade 12, you do not need to register this student again.

    Grade 1-12 registration begins on Monday, March 3, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. and will continue throughout the school year.

    Registrations submitted before March 3 at 9:00 a.m. will not be accepted. Please note: School year selection 2025-2026 will not appear on the online registration forms, until March 3 at 9:00 a.m.   

    Online registrations are available throughout the year.

    • Nashua School District offers a secure online registration platform through ASPEN, our student information system.
    • You will need to create an account with a valid email address to access the online registration.
    • Through this process you may save your registration and finish it at a later time, if needed.
    • Your student's registration will be complete once all documentation has been received at your neighborhood school. If incomplete, the school will contact you about the needed, required documentation.
    • If you do not have access to a computer, please contact your neighborhood school. 

    In addition to a completed online registration, you will need the following documentation to complete your registration:

    The online registration gives you the ability to upload the required documents with your registration.

    • Complete and submit online registration forms
    • Original or Certified  Birth Certificate, Passport, or other legal document which includes students name and date of birth
    • Updated immunization record
    • Most recent, within year of enrollment, medical exam report from healthcare provider
    • Two proofs of Nashua residency: two different utility bills or current lease or mortgage agreement
    • In addition, if the child is entering either Nashua High School North or Nashua High School South, a transcript from the previously attended high school is required

    Parents residing with another legal resident/host and enrolling their children in the Nashua School District will need to complete a host residency form. This form must be notarized. The host, with whom the parent and children are living, must confirm residency by presenting two utility bills or a copy of a lease or purchase of the home in Nashua, New Hampshire. In addition, both a parent of the student(s) and the resident host must bring with them photo identification. Instructions regarding guest/host residence enrollment requires that both the parent and the host resident be present for the entrance procedures. The host will provide proof of residency in Nashua and in the boundaries of the neighborhood school as though the host were the parent enrolling the child.

    Registration Packets






    If you have additional questions, please contact Gail Porter in the Office of Student Services and ELL.