Registration Information

  • Welcome to the Nashua School District!

    The Nashua School District welcomes you to our schools, and looks forward to having your child as a member of the Nashua School District.

    • Nashua School District offers a secure online registration platform through ASPEN, our student information system. You will need to create an account with a valid email address to access the online registration.
    • Through this process you may save your registration and finish it at a later time, if needed.
    • The registration cannot be completed on your cell phone.
    • Your student's registration will be complete once all documentation has been received at your neighborhood school. If necessary to complete the registration, the school will contact you about needed, required documentation.
    • If you do not have access to a computer, please contact your neighborhood school. 

    Kindergarden + Grade 1-12 registrations submitted before March 3 at 9:00 a.m. will not be accepted. Please note: School year selection 2025-2026 will not appear on the online registration forms, until March 3 at 9:00 a.m. 

    If you have a child who is currently enrolled in the Nashua School District, Kindergarten through Grade 12, you do not need to register this student again.

    To find your neighborhood school:

    1. Visit
    2. Click on "Our District"
    3. Under "Connect with us" select "School Lookup"
    4. Follow the instructions on this page.

    Kindergarten students must be 5 years of age by September 30th of the school year.

    If you have additional questions, please contact Gail Porter in the Superintendent's Office.