K-12 Registration Information
The Nashua School District welcomes you to our schools, and looks forward to having your child as a member of the Nashua School District.
- Nashua School District offers a secure online registration platform through ASPEN, our student information system. You will need to create an account with a valid email address to access the online registration.
- Through this process you may save your registration and finish it at a later time, if needed.
- The registration cannot be completed on your cell phone.
- Your student's registration will be complete once all documentation has been received at your neighborhood school. If necessary to complete the registration, the school will contact you about needed, required documentation.
- If you do not have access to a computer, please contact your neighborhood school.
Kindergarten + Grade 1-12 registrations submitted before March 3 at 9:00 a.m. will not be accepted. Please note: School year selection 2025-2026 will not appear on the online registration forms, until March 3 at 9:00 a.m.
If you have a child who is currently enrolled in the Nashua School District, Kindergarten through Grade 12, you do not need to register this student again.
To find your neighborhood school:
- Visit www.nashua.edu
- Click on "Our District"
- Under "Connect with us" select "School Lookup"
- Follow the instructions on this page.
If you have additional questions, please contact Gail Porter in the Superintendent's Office.
Early Admission to Kindergarten & First Grade
Kindergarten Early Entrance Request
Under special circumstances, children who will not have attained the age of five by September 30 of a given school year, but who will turn five by October 31, may be considered for admission to kindergarten for that school year.
Please contact the Office of the Office of the Assistant Superintendents, (603) 966-1008 for further information. The Early Admission request form is found below.Early Admission Request Form
First Grade Early Entrance Request
Under special circumstances, children who will not have attained the age of six by September 30 of a given school year, but who will turn six by October 31, may be considered for admission to first grade for that school year.
Please contact the Office of the Assistant Superintendents, (603) 966-1008 for further information. The Early Admission request form is linked above. -
Clearway Alternative High School
All referral requests to Clearway Alternative High School at the Adult Learning Center, Nashua, must originate with your student's guidance counselor at the neighborhood high school. Please contact the guidance counselor to request an appointment. Once the referral has been agreed upon and approved, the packet will be sent to Clearway Alternative High School. Aeron Armstrong, Director of Clearway Alternative High School, will contact the student and parents to set up an appointment for an interview and go through the steps of approval to the school.
Home Education
Parents are requested to complete the Notification of Commencement of Home Education form for their student(s) who will be educated at home. Please contact Student Services to inform the school district if you are moving from Nashua or enrolling your child in another school district.
Intent to Home Educate:English, Spanish or Portuguese
Termination of Home Education:
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Gail Porter in Student Services at (603) 966-1002.
The New Hampshire Department of Education website posts information on home education policies.
For further information, please contact the New Hampshire Department of Education. -
Host Residency for Non-Resident Students
The family of a student requesting Host Residency to attend school in Nashua must hand-deliver in person, with the host, the completed Host Residency form with required documentation to your child's neighborhood school.
The form must be notarized, which requires both the parent/guardian of the student(s) and the resident host to present a photo identification. The host, with whom the parent and child are living, must confirm residency by presenting two (2) utility bills or a copy of a lease or purchase agreement of the home in Nashua, New Hampshire.
If you have additional questions, please contact Jonali Espinal (603) 966-1015 in the office of Student Services and ELL.