Attendance is required on all school days. The District’s Attendance Officer shall report patterns of absences, tardiness, or incidents of dismissal not ascertained by the school to be caused by sickness or other justifiable reasons.
Absence: Parents/guardians should report all absences to our 24-hour attendance line no later than 9:00am if possible. If we are not notified of a student’s absence, a call from our automated system will notify the student’s family. Upon return to school, a note from a parent/guardian excusing the absence must be brought to the main office if a phone call from home was not made. Check with teachers for make-up work.
Lateness to School: A student is considered late if not in the first period by 8:00 am at the opening of school. Late students need to report to the Main Office for an admit slip. Students are considered absent/present after 10:30 am and need to arrive with an adult. Chronic tardiness may result in an after school detention. Twenty-four hour advance notice will be given.
Interruptions: We try to limit the interruptions to learning as much as possible. Students are expected to stay in class unless it is an emergency, and we discourage students from receiving outside food and items during class time. All food, equipment, etc, will be delivered to the student during their lunch period or the end of the day.
Tardiness/lateness to Class: Students arriving late to class will go directly to class, where they will receive a tardy mark by the teacher. Tardiness will be reported to and monitored by the assistant principal's office. Each class period missed due to school tardiness will be considered a separate occurrence. Students with unacceptable tardiness records will be referred to their administrator and may receive a detention or greater classroom consequences.
Dismissal: No student is to leave school without permission. If you must be dismissed:
* Bring a note first thing in the morning to the main office from your parent/guardian stating your name, date, time of dismissal, and your parent/guardian’s signature.
* At our discretion, notes requesting a dismissal may be verified by a telephone call to your parents before dismissal will be honored.
* Report to the office with your approved note at time of dismissal. Receive a dismissal slip from the main office.
* Students can only be dismissed by a parent/guardian or those designated on their Student Information Sheets.
Illness: Students’ parents should evaluate a child who is ill in the morning at home. If illness occurs during school, the student should follow these steps. Inform your teacher of your illness and he/she will provide a written pass to the nurse's office. The nurse will determine whether your illness is severe enough to call your parent or guardian and together with your parent or guardian determine if you will be sent home. Students should not call or text home to be dismissed due to medical reasons without the nurses’ consent. When dismissed, you will receive a dismissal slip which will be forwarded to the office.Students with special health problems such as vision, hearing, diabetes, epilepsy, recent surgery, bee sting allergies, or other allergies, asthma, migraine headaches or other medical problems should inform the school nurse immediately. The nurse will make the necessary medical referrals.
Vacation: Families are encouraged to schedule vacations in conjunction with the school calendar. However, we are aware that due to adult schedules, the family vacation sometimes has to be taken when school is in session. A family vacation is considered an unexcused absence.