Calling All Nashua High North Parent/Adult Volunteers
An Important Note from your new Volunteer Coordinators
The Volunteer Program is an integral part of the North community. In order to keep our program growing, we are always looking for and welcoming new and returning volunteers! Our program has opportunities for you to participate as your schedule allows. We have provided a brief listing of current volunteer opportunities below and more will pop up as the year progresses.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at any time during our school year, please fill out the Parent Volunteer Information below and return it to the Main Office. Your name and information will be entered into our volunteer database. If possible, please provide us with an email address as it is a quick and easy way for us to communicate with volunteers about any upcoming opportunities. Your email address will be used for volunteer communications only.
In addition, please fill out the Volunteer Assurance form that is required of ALL volunteers by the Nashua School District. This form can be found on the back of this form or on the Volunteer page of the North website. Please complete it whether you are a current volunteer or suspect you might be volunteering at some point this year. A new form must be completed each school year.
If you have questions about volunteering, please contact us. We look forward to working with everyone!
Volunteer Coordinator, North
Volunteer Coordinator, North
Parent/Adult Volunteer Information:
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone: _______________ Email: __________________________________________
□ Open House – help out by being a greeter or staffing a food table for half hour before Open House starts Sept/Feb
□ Senior Week – help by volunteering to work events during Senior Week in May/June (these are LOTS of fun!)
□ Book Drive – willing to help out with a Book Drive to benefit our Literacy Program at North
□ Baking - bake for various (and many!) hospitality events during the school year.
□ Literacy Day – help staff the event at North in March, usually on a Saturday
□ Teacher Appreciation – be part of a team to create and carry out events for Teacher Appreciation in May
□ Other - ____________________________________________________
(Is there something you would like to do but you don’t see it listed?)
□ I am unable to volunteer at this time, but would like to be on the Volunteer email list for future opportunities!